Bright Solutions Lasers

Bright Solutions Srl develops and manufactures state-of-the-art nanosecond and sub-nanosecond DPSS lasers and high brightness diode laser modules. The Company’s focus is directed towards the development of state-of-the-art diode-pumped solid-state laser systems aimed at superior efficiency, compactness, and reliability. They have vast experience in setting up industrial production and testing lines and in forming professionally skilled personnel for the manufacture of diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Suitable markets include industrial, aerospace, medical, military, and scientific applications. Their diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser portfolio includes sources at 1064nm, 532nm, 355nm, 266nm, 1534nm, 1572nm, and 3.3um.

Bright Solutions is known for their customization capabilities on top of their already diverse product range. With a ton of custom laser experience, they have a solution for you, no matter what your unique requirements are!

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Bright Solutions Srl develops and manufactures state-of-the-art ns, sub-ns, rugged, DPSS laser systems with nearly 10,000 units fielded to date. Their rugged, fixed cavity design, and proprietary low-jitter active q-switch technologies enable them to address a variety of market requirements while at the same time maintain an overall low total cost of ownership. In addition to bringing outstanding products to the market, Bright Solutions is committed to offering a world-class level of quality, customer care and service.

The Bright Solutions Group consists of 2 other business units: Bright Microlaser, and Bright Systems.

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Picture Part Number Type Wavelength (nm) Output power (W) Pulse energy (uJ) Pulse width Rep rate
sleek, modern, silver colored pulsed DPSS laser housing with red, green, and blue beam output ports Aero-1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 5.0, 10.0 50000.0, 100000.0, 200000.0 20ns Single Shot to 50Hz, Single Shot to 100Hz
sleek, modern, silver colored pulsed DPSS laser housing with red, green, and blue beam output ports Aero-266 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 266 0.600 6000.0, 12000.0 20ns Single Shot to 50Hz, Single Shot to 100Hz
sleek, modern, silver colored pulsed DPSS laser housing with red, green, and blue beam output ports Aero-355 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 355, 355/532/1064 1.0 10000.0, 20000.0 20ns Single Shot to 50Hz, Single Shot to 100Hz
sleek, modern, silver colored pulsed DPSS laser housing with red, green, and blue beam output ports Aero-532 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 532, 532/1064 2.0, 6.0 20000.0, 40000.0 20ns Single Shot to 50Hz, Single Shot to 100Hz
BDL130-808-F4-F Multi-Emitter 808 130.0
Placeholder C-Wedge HB 3um Pulsed DPSS Lasers 3000 50.0 3ns Single shot to 1kHz
rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing Iris-447 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 447 1.0, 2.0 Varies, 40.0 15ns - 50ns 50kHz to 100kHz
rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing Iris-671 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 447 3.5, 4.0 Varies, 70.0 15ns - 50ns 50kHz to 100kHz
Image of a modern OEM laser housing made of high-grade aluminum, long silver rectangle body with fan slits, output window and stickers Lampo Deep-UV Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers 266 1.5 30.0 50ps-70ps 50kHz to 40MHz
Image of a modern OEM laser housing made of high-grade aluminum, long silver rectangle body with fan slits, output window and stickers Lampo IR Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers 1064 20.0 250.0 50ps-70ps 50kHz to 40MHz
Image of a modern OEM laser housing made of high-grade aluminum, long silver rectangle body with fan slits, output window and stickers Lampo SHG Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers 532 10.0 150.0 50ps-70ps 50kHz to 40MHz
rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing Nimbus-1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 2.0 2000.0 700ps Single shot to 1kHz
rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing Nimbus-770 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 770 0.400 400.0 4ns Single shot to 1kHz
NPS-1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers 1064 0.050, 5.0, 10.0 0.125, 0.250 7ps 40MHz
NPS-355 Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers 355 1.0 0.025 7ps 40MHz
NPS-532 Pulsed DPSS Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers 532 1.0, 5.0 0.025, 0.125 7ps 40MHz
Onda 1064nm Onda 1064nm Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 15.0 750.0 2ns - 12ns Single Shot to 100kHz
Onda 266nm Onda 266nm Pulsed DPSS Lasers 266 0.800 80.0 2ns - 6ns Single shot to 1kHz, Single shot to 50kHz
Onda 355nm Onda 355nm Pulsed DPSS Lasers 355 0.300 150.0 3ns Single shot to 2kHz
Onda 532nm: 532nm High Energy Laser Onda 532nm Pulsed DPSS Lasers 532 5.0, 10.0 400.0, 750.0 2ns - 14ns Single Shot to 100kHz
One-1030-100: 1030nm Miniature Q-Switched Laser One-1030 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1030 1.0, 3.0 100.0 5ns - 20ns 30kHz, Single shot to 10kHz
SOL-06: 1064nm compact nanosecond laser SOL-1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 4.0, 6.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0 300.0, 450.0, 900.0, 1500.0, 2000.0 5ns - 35ns, 7ns - 35ns, 10ns - 40ns, 10ns - 50ns, 15ns - 60ns Single Shot to 100kHz
SOL-355 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 355 4.0 650.0 15ns - 35ns Single Shot to 100kHz
SOL-03-532: 532nm Nanosecond Laser SOL-532 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 532 3.0, 5.0, 10.0 200.0, 400.0, 650.0 15ns - 70ns, 10ns - 50ns, 10ns - 60ns Single Shot to 100kHz
clean, modern, silver colored OEM DPSS Laser housing Vento-1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 16.0, 25.0, 40.0 600.0, 1000.0, 1500.0 500ps - 1.5ns 50kHz to 120kHz, 80kHz to 200kHz
clean, modern, silver colored OEM DPSS Laser housing Vento-532 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 532 8.0, 15.0, 20.0 300.0, 550.0, 750.0 500ps - 1.2ns 50kHz to 120kHz, 80kHz to 200kHz
Wedge-B-1064 Wedge-HB/XB 1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 4.0 2000.0, 4000.0 1.5ns Single shot to 1kHz, Single shot to 2kHz
Wedge-B-266 Wedge-HB/XB 266 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 266 0.300, 0.500 150.0, 500.0 1.5ns, 1.8ns Single shot to 2kHz
Wedge-B-355 Wedge-HB/XB 355 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 355 0.400, 0.600 200.0, 600.0 1.2ns, 1.5ns Single shot to 1kHz, Single shot to 2kHz
Wedge-B-532 Wedge-HB/XB 532 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 532 2.0 1000.0, 2000.0 1.5ns Single shot to 1kHz, Single shot to 2kHz
a simple, clean, grey OEM pulsed DPSS laser housing Wedge-HF/XF 1064 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1064 1.5, 4.0 70.0, 180.0 400ps - 1.5ns, 400ps - 1.6ns, 700ps - 2.5ns 10kHz to 100kHz, 50kHz to 200kHz
Wedge-F-266 Wedge-HF/XF 266 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 266 0.050, 0.180 5.0, 15.0 700ps - 1500ps, 400ps - 700ps 10kHz to 50kHz
Wedge-HF-355: 355nm compact nanosecond laser Wedge-HF/XF 355 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 355 0.800 40.0 500ps - 1ns 10kHz to 50kHz
Wedge-F-532 Wedge-HF/XF 532 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 532 0.500, 1.5, 2.0, 4.0 30.0, 40.0, 80.0, 120.0 500ps - 2ns, 700ps - 2ns, 400ps - 1.5ns, 400ps - 1ns 10kHz to 100kHz, 50kHz to 200kHz, Single shot to 10kHz
Wedge-XB 1572 Pulsed DPSS Lasers 1572 0.800 8000.0 2.5ns 1kHz
Wedge-XB 3um Pulsed DPSS Lasers 3106 0.200 100.0 3ns Single shot to 2kHz

Aero Series

The Aero Series is a high-energy, nanosecond pulsed DPSS laser, available at 266, 355, 532, and 1064nm, with up to 10W output power & 200mJ pulse energy at 1064. This series provides unparalleled precision and accuracy in even the most challenging environments. All models come enclosed in an extremely compact and ruggedized single unit with a conductively cooled heatsink and a water-cooled option. It comes with available options for beam expanding and collimating optics. This laser series is ideal for LIBS, spectroscopy, and Atmospheric LIDAR applications.

Wedge Series

Wedge-XF-1064: 1064nm Picosecond Laser

The Wedge series of DPSS lasers is designed for OEM applications such as micromachining, LIDAR, LIBS, and more. Based on proprietary fast Q-switching technology, this series is compact, sealed, and monolithic, making them insensitive to vibrations & harsh environments. High peak powers, relatively low energy and low heat generation allow efficient ablation and non-linear interaction. Available from 266-3106nm, up to 8 mJ pulse energy @ 1064, the compact and lightweight package benefits LIDAR and aerospace applications, while short pulses provide exact time-of-flight measurements.

Iris Series

rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing

The Iris Series is a line of highly compact, air-cooled, nanosecond pulsed DPSS lasers at 447nm (blue) and 671nm (red), designed for air-to-ground & air-to-sea LIDAR, aerosol detection, and communications (blue wavelength’s exhibit high transmission through water and clouds), medical applications, and special marking applications. The Iris Series offers powerful and flexible lasers. With adjustable pulse width (15-50 ns) and rep. rate (50-100 kHz), an easily integrated, compact, all-in-one design, and optional add-ons, these lasers are ready to tackle demanding applications. 

Lampo Series

Image of a modern OEM laser housing made of high-grade aluminum, long silver rectangle body with fan slits, output window and stickersThe Lampo Series is a line of compact ultrafast lasers that deliver megawatt-level ps laser pulses at a selectable PRR from 50 kHz to 4 MHz. Available in IR (1064 nm), SHG (532 nm), and Deep-UV (266 nm) versions, the series offers pulse durations < 70 ps and average power up to 20W, 10W, and 1.5W respectively. With pulse energy up to 250uJ, 150uJ, and 30uJ, these lasers are ideal for a wide range of scientific, industrial, defense, medical, biological, and LIDAR applications. Built into a rugged, air-cooled single-unit laser head, these lasers are easy to operate and integrate, making them a valuable tool for sophisticated laser systems and lab applications.

Nimbus Series

rendering of a CAD drawing of a compact, modern, OEM, DPSS laser housing

The Nimbus Series is a line of highly compact, air-cooled, short nanosecond (770 nm) and picosecond (1064 nm) pulsed DPSS lasers designed for LIDAR, material processing, and medical applications. NIR wavelengths provide increased tissue penetration, and particularly at 770 nm, the Nimbus is perfect for photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photobiomodulation (PBM) applications. Low pulse jitter reduces variations in trigger delay, and stable energy output ensures consistent results for measurement or processing. 

Nps Series

image of a sleek tunable laser platform

The NPS series of ultrafast lasers is the ultimate solution for OEM integrators and researchers working with nonlinear optics applications like OPO pumping and narrowband Raman spectroscopy. The NPS series boasts remarkable features such as up to 10W average output power, <7ps pulse width, and a 40MHz repetition rate. The transform-limited operation, with a spectral width of <0.3nm, and accurate central wavelengths make these lasers a suitable candidate for highly efficient amplification by Nd-doped DPSS amplifiers.

Onda Series

Onda 532nm: 532nm High Energy Laser

The Onda series is a DPSS nanosecond OEM laser platform designed for high-end applications requiring excellent beam quality and high peak power in materials such as metals, glass, plastics, and various delicate and hard materials. This compact and easy to use laser series is available in wavelengths of 266, 355, 532, and 1064nm, with an extended operating temperature range and superior performance to cost ratio. The Onda seriesinternal optical layout and accurate temperature management enable high output energies without compromising the lifetime of the THG and FHG stages. 

One Series

One-1030-100: 1030nm Miniature Q-Switched Laser

The One Series is a versatile, passive q-switch laser series designed for OEM integrators and application specialists working with industrial and portable applications like materials processing and airborne LIDAR. With its compact size, configurable options such as fixed or external trig. repetition rate, and high energy (up to 100µJ) or high average power (up to 3W) versions, this 1030nm series offers exceptional performance for a range of applications.

SOL Series

SOL-03-532: 532nm Nanosecond Laser

The SOL series is the most compact, air-cooled, Q-switched DPSS nanosecond laser available in the power range from 4W to 40W @ 1064nm. With its excellent beam quality, high peak power, wavelength options (10W and 650µJ at 532nm / 4W @ 355nm), and wide range of add-ons, this series is ideal for the most demanding industrial and scientific applications. With a rugged, compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use single-unit design, the SOL laser is easy to integrate into any system, providing superior operational flexibility and performance/cost ratio.

Vento Series

Vento-532-7: 532nm Picosecond DPSS Laser

The Vento series is a compact and ruggedized sub-nanosecond DPSS laser series designed for scientific and industrial applications such as precision LIDAR and materials processing. With pulse durations down to 500 ps and repetition rates up to 200 kHz, this laser series produces a high average power of up to 25 W @ 532 nm and up to 40 W @ 1064 nm. The Vento series has many options, from beam expanding and collimating optics to a low jitter option to extended operating temperature range, up to IP68 package, remote control cbox & software, and much more.